Delegation Mini Series: Part 2: Delegation - Doing It Well and Breaking/Staying Out of Traps

Startup leaders want to delegate well. But they often don’t know how. The act of “delegating well” involves three key actions: 

  1. Understand and internalize the different frames of delegation

  2. Know when and how to manage your own psychology so it doesn’t undermine the choices you make and actions you take when delegating

  3. Develop and refine your ability to assess each “delegation opportunity” and respond/take action based on your understanding of the people, the task/responsibility and the situation 

Most of the “delegation traps” that I see my clients struggle with reflect a failure to do one or more of the above three actions. I find it helpful to list out the traps for three reasons:

  1. validation - if any of these traps sound familiar, you’re not alone--and definitely not the first startup leader to struggle with them 

  2. recognition - you now have the words to identify any traps you may currently be facing and that knowledge will help you direct attention and energy to break out of those traps

  3.  prevention - if you know what traps to look out for, you may be more likely to avoid them altogether 

Here are the seven traps I most commonly see among startup leaders:  

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